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Vermont Leases and Rental Agreements

Code Section
Tit. 9 §4461; 4503

Terms of Leases
Holdover may convert into year-to-year tenancy; result of legal consequence of conduct of parties and does not depend on tenant’s intention (Malaitty v. Carroll Co., 41 A.2d 144 (Vt. 1945))

No limit on deposit; interest on deposit not required; deposit must be returned within 14 days of termination or landlord forfeits right to withhold any of it.

No discrimination on basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religious creed, color, national origin, handicap, recipient of public assistance, or because person intends to occupy with children; housing for older persons exempted

Uniform Residential Landlord & Tenant Act Adopted

Inside Vermont Leases and Rental Agreements